I seriously suck at blogging lately, you guys. Let me just tell you a little bit of what's up with me:
- My foster kitties are being adopted! I am going to miss them so much (and I don't know how I'll deal with the loneliness of a catless house until we get new kitties to foster after the holidays), but I am so happy for them. Their new parents are wonderful. I'm just going to miss these sweet faces so much:

- I am 5 days away from finishing this last class for my M.S. I still have my capstone project to do after this in the spring, and then I'm done! Once the final exam is done on Tuesday, I'll return to the blogging world a bit more regularly (both posting and commenting! Sorry I haven't visited much lately!).
- I really do miss you all terribly! Just let me get out of this class with an A (*crosses fingers*), and I'll be blogging and visiting much more regularly... until, that is, the spring and my capstone. Oh god. Have I mentioned that I'm booking a trip to Ireland, and maybe London too, to celebrate being done with my M.S.? Because some days, I don't think I'm going to make it.
- The NaNo novel, Bodie's Men? The NaNo is a trainwreck. I'm so behind. I need to write something like 2800 words a day to finish. We have a lot of driving to do this month, though, so I think I'm going to make MJ drive and kick back with my laptop... and then I need to make a New Year's resolution for 2011 to stop overscheduling myself. Something is seriously wrong with me!
- Blog contests are almost up! I'm giving away an awesome free art print from Citrus Tree! Enter here. Open to US and Canada. Ore enter to win $10 Amazon gift card AND support debut author Tamara Hart Heiner! Enter here. But hurry, they both end tomorrow at midnight!
lol that would be a great New Years Resolution for me too! Good luck with your final :)
Congrats on being so close to finishing! Keep working -- you're almost there!
Nice to see you back, Guinevere!
If you need any advice on Ireland, since I live here and all, please just send me a mail - I'm pretty sure you have my email address from when I volunteered to be a crit partner. Firstname dot lastname at gmail dot com anyway :)
Congrats on being so close to finishing, hope the last stages go well!
Yeay for almost finishing!!
Good luck on your Nano but don't stress!
Have a great weekend!
Awwwww your sweet foster kitties are adorable!! I'm so glad they are going to wonderful parents!! I hope you get new fosters asap!!
Good luck with your classes - of course you will get A's!!!!!! :-)
And even if the Nano is going abit awry - you have a great idea there with Bodie's Men and hopefully another basis for a full blown novel!! yay!
Take care
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Yes, it's a busy time. I'm excited to hear the winner of your Perilous contest. :)
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