Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Get some action in 2011

How'd your 2010 resolutions go?

Yeah. Well, it's almost 2011. 2010 resolutions are gone. So yesterday.

In fact, resolutions themselves are just so 2010.

Now, the cool kids are all about action.

Check out my guest post about making it happen in 2011 on Life in the Pitts.


Carol Riggs said...

Haha, I can't even remember what my 2010 resolutions were. I'll just say my 2011 resolution is to finish my WIP, and that should be safe. I hope. LOL

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!!

Trisha said...

I can't remember what my resolutions were either. I surely must've written them down somewhere. This year they're all about writing/editing! yay :)

OK, I also want to replenish my savings after the new tooth I just bought. ouch.

Old Kitty said...

What a great guest post - thank you!!!

I hope to be more action and less dreaming too for next year!!

Take care

Jemi Fraser said...

And this would be why I don't make resolutions :)