Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's just how it goes...

Today I sent in a story to The First Line, which is a rather neat literary magazine. All the stories start with the same line, which you can check out at:
The First Line

The spring 2009 first line was, "Herman Sligo was a bit actor who who played Uncle Emil in three episodes of the popular television series The Five Sisters." I wrote a short story titled STARLETS AT WORK AND PLAY to go with the line. Originally I didn't think I could come up with anything around that line, but I really liked the short story I wrote. And I banged it out in a motivated hour and a half, so if The First Line doesn't like it, it was some good practice, not a big loss.

On the bad news front, I got my first rejection back from an agent. That was fast, huh? Girlfriend knew what she didn't want... But I don't mind. It's a numbers game.

An unpleasant numbers game, but still just a numbers game. :)

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