Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm officially sick of my blog

I know, I'm crap at posting lately. I'm writing and revising frantically, but I don't have much to say about writing. I can't really base entire posts around SO REVISIONS ARE HARD WORK and OMG WHY DID I WRITE THIS IN PRESENT TENSE NOW I HAVE TO FIX IT. :)


So I'm officially taking my blog in a bit of a different direction.  I'll still post about writing, publishing, and books when I have something to say. But there are other things I'd like to talk about - yet I don't really have the content (or time) to support a whole 'nother blog. Plus, I love this one. And I love you guys who read me!  :)

I'd like to post more about the other things that are also Not My Day Job but still my passions: animal rescue, running, cooking. Movies. Travel. MJ. Life. Art. General geekery.

I hope you guys will bear with me as I figure out what I'm doing here and try to make my blog into something shinier and funnier! It's about to get a little random... but really, I'm a little random too.


Katie said...

I had to do a blog shift last year, because I realized that I just didn't have much to say about writing anymore and I wanted to become a book review blog. Definitely a good choice for me! Good luck with your shift. I'm sure it'll work out awesome! :)

Liz said...

I'm into all of those things, especially the animal rescue and the general geekery. Throw in a quick and easy vodka sauce recipe, and you're golden, baby. GOLDEN.

Katie Ganshert said...

I think most people can relate to you! It's hard to think of good blog content! Hope it all comes together for you soon. :)

Ellen Brickley said...

Ooh, I especially look forward to the cooking and travel - once I like a blogger's voice I'll rea dthem on almost any subject :) I sometimes ramble about politics or travel on mine too, and no one seems to mind very much!

W.B. said...

You're sick of your blog? Don't be! It's really cool to read! Don't worry about your content. The fact that you're having a block at the moment shows that you are a true writer. :)

Old Kitty said...

I can't wait to see what direction you take your blog!! I think blogs evovle all the time - it can only do so otherwise it becomes stifling and restrictive!! The whole point for me about blogging is not only to have fun but to have fun being creative - and it doesn't always have to be about one thing - it can be all encompassing!!!

Be bold and brave!!! Take care and good luck! x

Michael Di Gesu said...

That's great! I tried to introduce a weekly design segment. A few people liked it, but not enough for me to keep going with it. I spent way too much time to only have four comments.

So I came up with another idea that is working great. The bloggers really like it and are getting involved. Good luck...


A.J. Frey said...

I understand completely. After leaving my blog dormant for 6 months, I finally just started posting again. I had to change the content. I had put myself in a box, and had to set myself free.

Good luck!!

Trisha said...

Maybe it's time for a glog-over (you know, makeover for blogs :D