Thanks so much, Roni! Roni writes the awesome blog Fiction Groupie. If you're not a follower yet, you have to visit.
Now for my list--
10 Things That Make Me Happy
(in no particular order):
1. My cat! This is Buffy the Cricket Slayer:
We adopted her from a rescue in 2005, and since then she's made me laugh/swoon over her cuteness on a daily basis.
2. Writing. Not always in the moment, but the product always makes me happy!
3. Reading a good book -- whether it be non-fiction like Mary Roach's Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
to wonderful fiction like John Connolly's The Book of Lost Things. Also, reading said good book in the tub with a Lush bath bomb greatly enhances the happiness factor.
4. My husband, MJ. Making my world a sweeter place since 2004.
I know, two wedding photos, I get a little carried away...
5. Sports. The doing kind, not spectating. I love to run, play soccer, snowboard, mountain bike, kayak and white-water raft. Moving my body makes me feel alive.
6. My friends. We live all over the country (and all over the world) but they still find a way to make me smile.
7. Baking. Especially if it involves chocolate.
8. Learning. I gripe about school a lot, of course, but I enjoy my Master's program in Finance. And I plan to take classes for something or another for the rest of my life -- I already have some community college courses picked out just for fun when I finish my M.S. (German, painting and photography). I embrace the title of "Geek".
9. My house. I grew up in a small single-story house, and always dreamed of a big house with lots of space. We bought a two-story Colonial with a nicely finished basement, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths... we are slowly re-finishing and decorating it to suit our tastes, but every time I pull into the driveway, I think, I can't believe something so nice is really mine! If everything works out job-wise and whatnot, I would love to raise our kids in the house and retire in it -- I just adore our home. I never knew I could feel so strongly affectionate about a "thing".
10. Grocery shopping. I know it's weird, but I love grocery shopping. MJ and I go together and have a good time chatting as we try to follow our list.
Stef at 52 Weeks of Wordage
Lyndsey at Dangerous With a Pen
LT at Quest Published
Ellen at Pink Tea and Paper
Jenny at Tales of a Rejection Queen
Stephanie at The Writer's Cocoon
Guinevere, thank you SO MUCH! :) It always makes me feel so wonderful when my fellow bloggers think of me, especially when I love their blogs so much!
Congrats on your award and, once again, thanks so much for bestowing it upon me.
Congrats on the award :-)
Your kitty is SO cute! And I love your wedding photos!
Oh... and you can do my grocery shopping for me ANY day! ha
Congrats on your award and for the links. There are several there I do not know. :-)
Wooo hoo thanks for the award! Now, what do I do next? Sorry, I've never gotten an award for my blog before so you'll have to walk me through this. But thank you so very much for mentioning my blog. *Happy dance*
Thanks Guinevere :D Looking forward to making my list now. . .
Congrats on your award! I love the wedding pics!
Congratulations Guinevere!!!! And Congrats to all the other winners! Your blogs are fabulous!!!!
Oh love your kitty by the way!
Awww... you and your hubby are so cute together. Congrats on your award!
Congrats on the award!! I found your blog through a series of blog stalking and thought I'd leave a note!
Love the wedding photo with the sky in the background. Very cool.
I'm new to all this blogging stuff and I just finished writing my first YA MS.
Stop by if you get a chance! :)
Thank you, Guinevere!
I left you some bloggy goodness on my blog, too! ;)
Stef, you're very welcome! I always find your blog both fun and helpful.
Thanks Sara! Hmm... before I can grocery-shop for anyone, I have to provide due warning... I'm not very frugal and I spend a lot on cheese, chocolate and produce that may or may not die in the fridge before consumption. :p
Thanks Shannon! I am actually a bit obsessive about the awards in that I check every blog I consider to make sure they don't have it already... which means, I think I highlight great new blogs a lot of the time!
Jenny, you create a new blog post with the picture, list 10 things that make you happy, and pass it on to as many other blogs as you like (that make you happy!). I'm excited I'm your first blog award, because I know how psyched I was to receive my first. :)
Ellen, I'll be checking by your blog to read yours! :)
Thanks Stephanie! We got married on the beach in California... an amazing place for pictures (except that I kept finding myself squinting into the sun, which wasn't quite the Pretty Bride look I was going for).
Thanks Jen! I'll pass the compliment along to Buffy. ;)
Thanks Kimberly!
Tiffany, glad you found my blog... I will definitely stop by! It's always nice to meet new blogging friends.
Thanks Lyndsey! That one looks like a lot of fun too... I love blog awards that tell you more about the author!
Thanks for the mention and the nice words. :)
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