Let me just say up front, a healthy baby is the most important thing to me. I'll do whatever I have to do for that. But some of the things pregnant women are supposed to abstain from aren't backed up by scientific research - there's a lot of fear-mongering.
So here's a list of things you are not allowed if you are a Good Mother, which may or may not be valid:
- No hot tubs or hot baths
- No sunbathing
- No fake tanner, either, if you're feeling pale
- No hair dye or highlights
- No nail polish and certainly no going in the salon with all the fumes!
- No alcohol
- No sushi
- No deli meat
- No soft ice cream
- No hot dogs
- No soft cheeses
- No roller coasters
- No rafting or tubing
- No caffeine
The perfectionism of the whole thing bugs me - the idea of trying to do everything right so Nothing Will Go Wrong. There are a lot of things that can go wrong during a pregnancy, and I think that's why we tend to resort to perfectionism. It reminds me of being a college athlete and being superstitious, knowing it was irrational but not wanting to entertain that niggling doubt if something went wrong.
And if you're really worried? Well, then you can buy belly armor
I'm not sure I'm going to make it through the next 7 months with my sanity intact, y'all. And once they're born, there's so much more to worry about.